New South Wales

The NSW Branch of AMaGA was established in 1968, then part of the Museums Association of Australia (MAA) that later became Museums Australia and AMaGA as we now know it. The branch aims to create opportunities to bring together our NSW AMaGA Members and advocate for the industry at state and local levels.

NSW Committee

President: Jane Thogersen, Chau Chak Wing Museum
Vice President: Margot Jolly, Museum Consultant
Treasurer: Debbie Sommers, Port Macquarie Museum
Secretary: Stephanie Chinneck, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

Ordinary Members:

Diana Lorentz, Jervis Bay Maritime Museum
Helen Myers, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences
Jane Johnston, Museum & Heritage Studies, Art Curating, University of Sydney
Jess Jennings, Australian Milling Museum
David Hampton, Newcastle Museum
Eve Guerry, Chau Chak Wing Museum
Penny Edwell, Sydney Living Museums

Contact AMaGA NSW

Email: [email protected]

AMaGA NSW Facebook 

AMaGA NSW twitter/X

NSW Chapters