The Funding Mix

"By which we mean": ....sources and availability of funding for all tiers within the sector, including government, corporate, philanthropic, and community funding sources.

For museums and galleries:

First Nations: Promote awareness within the museum and gallery community about how the implementation of the First Peoples: Roadmap by organisations can contribute to supporting funding requests.

National Voice: Advocate for improved funding for museums and galleries at a national level.

Strengthening Capacity: AMaGA strives to become a nation-wide museum and gallery funding resource hub.   

Inside AMaGA:

AMaGA seeks to broaden its organisational funding sources over time, transitioning away from a reliance solely on 100% membership-based funding.

AMaGA operational plan


Establish clear value proposition to all levels (gov/foundations/members)

Participate in implementation of national cultural policy (fed gov)

Identify clear targets eg ‘First Peoples’ specific funding

Develop relationships with key partners for expansion of AMaGA funding base

Explore core funding for one other state (WA, SA, Tas) and national office: Step 1: Redefine relationships with key state govts and federal depts

Build relationships with foundations

Relationships with ICOM/CAMD/CAAMD

Review membership model

Review other earned income: Jobs board/ web advertising/ professional development


Explore new program funding once base is improved

Explore museum leadership training funding opportunity

Establish new conference funding base/future

Ethical partnerships model established

Continue efforts to stabilise national office and branches via core funding


Develop/launch museum leadership training

Ongoing financial stabilisation of national office and branches via core funding