Digital transformation

"By which we mean"::...sector digital literacy, data-driven decision-making and advocacy, sector metrics, digital collection management, digitisation,, digital museum ecosystem

For museums and galleries:

First Nations: Establish a Knowledge Centre showcasing sector case studies on decolonisation programs, with a special focus on digital platforms and how they are crucial for the implementation of the First Peoples: Roadmap. Additionally, strive to address inequalities in internet and digital access.

National Voice: Actively champion and advocate for digital literacy programs tailored to meet the specific needs of each tier within the sector.

Strengthening Capacity: Contributes to digital transformation and capacity-building in the museums and galleries sector by offering resources and training to enhance capabilities.

Inside AMaGA: Support team and networks with digital access and training to deliver accessible and affordable professional development programs. Model hybrid-embedded behaviours for the sector, especially with regard to digital inclusion of remote workers.

AMaGA operational plan


Participate in cross-sector discussions re: International Digital Observatories (Leicester/Monash)

Optimisation and rollout of CMS and membership system

PD national hybrid model

Investigate research funding options and potential partners


Advocacy for digital access/capacity audit against ADI

Promote existing skills frameworks designed for the cultural sector - eg Culture24, One by One

Research funding secured for: Sector capability &/or digitisation audit

PD: digital transformation as a programming stream (with various entry levels) - ongoing:

  • Inspiration
  • Skills acquisition

Pre-election advocacy


Capture and publish stories & case studies of digital transformation